Ieodo, located in the South Sea, is an underwater reef located southwest of Jeju Island and is the southernmost reef in Korea. And Korea's first Ocean Research Station is established to conduct comprehensive marine observations such as ocean, climate, and environment.
The ink features a range of blue tones, and it has the dual shading, capturing the harmonious scenery of the Ocean Research Station next to Ieodo and the surrounding sea.
You can feel the calm of the South Sea, where the Ocean Research Station is located, in the green and soft light green of this ink dual shading.It has a slightly brighter tone in the fountain pen, but you can see dark shading.
Colorverse Ieodo No. 056 Specifications
- Special Edition
- a 15ml bottle in beautifully shaped like a teardrop
- Color: Ieodo (Blue/Green Shading)
- Glass Bottle
- RGB Color: 59, 120, 136
- Web Color, #387888
- Made in South Korea